Source code for megabouts.segmentation.segmentation

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from ..utils.math_utils import find_onset_offset_numpy
from typing import Tuple
from ..config.segmentation_config import (

[docs] class SegmentationResult: """Container for segmentation results. Parameters ---------- config : SegmentationConfig Configuration used for segmentation onset : np.ndarray Start frames of detected segments offset : np.ndarray End frames of detected segments T : int Total number of frames in recording """
[docs] def __init__( self, config: SegmentationConfig, onset: np.ndarray, offset: np.ndarray, T: int ): self.config = config self.onset = onset.astype("int") self.offset = offset.astype("int") self.duration = self.offset - self.onset self.T = T self.HB1 = None
[docs] def set_HB1(self, first_half_beat: np.ndarray): """Set the first half-beat frames for each segment. Parameters ---------- first_half_beat : np.ndarray Frame indices of first half-beats, must match length of onset """ if len(first_half_beat) != len(self.onset): raise ValueError( "Length of first_half_beat must be equal to the length of onset" ) self.HB1 = (self.onset + first_half_beat).astype("int") # Make sure onset-offset include HB1 self.onset[self.HB1 < self.onset] = self.HB1[self.HB1 < self.onset]
[docs] def extract_tail_array( self, *, tail_angle: np.ndarray, align_to_onset: bool = True ) -> np.ndarray: """Extract tail angles for each detected segment. Parameters ---------- tail_angle : np.ndarray Full tail angle array, shape (T, n_segments) align_to_onset : bool, optional If True, align to bout onset, else to HB1, by default True Returns ------- np.ndarray Array of tail angles for each bout, shape (n_bouts, n_segments, bout_duration) """ if align_to_onset: onset = self.onset else: onset = self.HB1 - self.config.first_half_beat_loc tail_array = np.zeros( (len(onset), tail_angle.shape[1], self.config.bout_duration) ) for i, id_st in enumerate(onset): id_ed = id_st + self.config.bout_duration id_ed = min(id_ed, self.T - 1) dur = id_ed - id_st tail_array[i, :, :dur] = tail_angle[id_st:id_ed, :].T return tail_array
[docs] def extract_traj_array( self, *, head_x: np.ndarray, head_y: np.ndarray, head_angle: np.ndarray, align_to_onset: bool = True, align: bool = True, idx_ref: int = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: """Extract trajectory data for each detected segment. Parameters ---------- head_x, head_y : np.ndarray Head position coordinates head_angle : np.ndarray Head orientation angles align_to_onset : bool, optional If True, align to bout onset, else to HB1, by default True align : bool, optional Whether to align trajectories, by default True idx_ref : int, optional Reference frame for alignment, by default 0 Returns ------- np.ndarray Array of trajectory data for each bout, shape (n_bouts, 3, bout_duration) Channels are [x, y, angle] """ if align_to_onset: onset = self.onset else: onset = self.HB1 - self.config.first_half_beat_loc x, y, head_angle = map(np.squeeze, [head_x, head_y, head_angle]) traj_array = np.zeros((len(onset), 3, self.config.bout_duration)) for i, id_st in enumerate(onset): id_ed = id_st + self.config.bout_duration id_ed = min(id_ed, self.T - 1) dur = id_ed - id_st sub_x, sub_y, sub_head_angle = ( x[id_st:id_ed], y[id_st:id_ed], head_angle[id_st:id_ed], ) traj_array[i, 0, :dur], traj_array[i, 1, :dur], traj_array[i, 2, :dur] = ( sub_x, sub_y, sub_head_angle, ) if align: traj_array = self.align_traj_array(traj_array=traj_array, idx_ref=idx_ref) return traj_array
[docs] def align_traj_array(self, traj_array: np.ndarray, idx_ref) -> np.ndarray: """Wrapper around the standalone align_traj_array function.""" return align_traj_array(traj_array, idx_ref, self.config.bout_duration)
[docs] class Segmentation(ABC): """Abstract base class for segmentation algorithms."""
[docs] def __init__(self, config: SegmentationConfig): self.config = config
[docs] @abstractmethod def segment(self, data: np.ndarray) -> SegmentationResult: """Perform segmentation on the provided data. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray Data to segment Returns ------- SegmentationResult Detected segments """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: SegmentationConfig) -> "Segmentation": """Factory method to create appropriate segmentation instances. Parameters ---------- config : SegmentationConfig Configuration for segmentation Returns ------- Segmentation Instance of appropriate segmentation subclass """ if isinstance(config, TailSegmentationConfig): return TailSegmentation(config) elif isinstance(config, TrajSegmentationConfig): return TrajSegmentation(config) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown segmentation config: {config}")
[docs] class TailSegmentation(Segmentation): """Class for segmenting data based on tail movement."""
[docs] def __init__(self, config: TailSegmentationConfig): super().__init__(config)
[docs] def segment(self, tail_vigor: np.ndarray) -> SegmentationResult: """Segment data based on tail vigor. Parameters ---------- tail_vigor : np.ndarray 1D Array of tail vigor Returns ------- SegmentationResult Detected segments """ Thresh = self.config.threshold tail_active = tail_vigor > Thresh # Remove bouts of short duration onset, offset, duration = find_onset_offset_numpy(tail_active) onset = onset[duration > self.config.min_bout_duration] offset = offset[duration > self.config.min_bout_duration] segments = SegmentationResult(self.config, onset, offset, len(tail_vigor)) return segments
[docs] class TrajSegmentation(Segmentation): """Class for segmenting data based on trajectory movement."""
[docs] def __init__(self, config: TrajSegmentationConfig): super().__init__(config)
[docs] def segment(self, kinematic_activity: np.ndarray) -> SegmentationResult: """Segment data based on kinematic activity. Parameters ---------- kinematic_activity : np.ndarray Array of kinematic activity values Returns ------- SegmentationResult Detected segments """ peaks, _ = find_peaks( kinematic_activity, distance=self.config.bout_duration, prominence=self.config.peak_prominence, ) inter_peak_min = TrajSegmentation.find_inter_peak_min(kinematic_activity, peaks) onset, offset = TrajSegmentation.find_onset_offset_around_peak( kinematic_activity, peaks, inter_peak_min, self.config.peak_percentage ) segments = SegmentationResult( self.config, onset, offset, len(kinematic_activity) ) return segments
[docs] @staticmethod def find_inter_peak_min(x: np.ndarray, peaks: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Find minima between peaks. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Input signal peaks : np.ndarray Indices of peaks Returns ------- np.ndarray Indices of minima between peaks """ peaks_list = [0] + peaks.tolist() + [len(x)] inter_peak_min = [ p1 + np.argmin(x[p1:p2]) for p1, p2 in zip(peaks_list[:-1], peaks_list[1:]) ] return np.array(inter_peak_min)
[docs] @staticmethod def find_onset_offset_around_peak( x: np.ndarray, peaks: np.ndarray, inter_peak_min: np.ndarray, peak_percentage: float, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Find onset and offset around each peak. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Input signal peaks : np.ndarray Indices of peaks inter_peak_min : np.ndarray Indices of minima between peaks peak_percentage : float Percentage of peak value to determine onset/offset Returns ------- onset : np.ndarray Onset indices offset : np.ndarray Offset indices """ onset = [] offset = [] for p_before, p, p_after in zip(inter_peak_min[:-1], peaks, inter_peak_min[1:]): # Find onset on_ = p while on_ > p_before and x[on_] >= 0.25 * x[p]: on_ -= 1 # Find offset off_ = p while off_ < p_after and x[off_] >= peak_percentage * x[p]: off_ += 1 onset.append(on_) offset.append(off_) return np.array(onset), np.array(offset)
[docs] def align_traj_array( traj_array: np.ndarray, idx_ref: int, bout_duration: int ) -> np.ndarray: """Align trajectory arrays to a reference point. Parameters ---------- traj_array : np.ndarray Array of shape (N, 3, bout_duration) containing x, y, and heading idx_ref : int Reference index for alignment bout_duration : int Duration of bout Returns ------- np.ndarray Aligned trajectory array Raises ------ ValueError If idx_ref is negative or greater than bout_duration If traj_array does not have the expected shape Examples -------- >>> N, duration = 10, 100 # 10 bouts, 100 frames each >>> traj = np.zeros((N, 3, duration)) # x, y, heading >>> traj[:, 0, :] = np.linspace(0, 1, duration) # x increases linearly >>> aligned = align_traj_array(traj, idx_ref=0, bout_duration=duration) >>> np.allclose(aligned[:, 0, 0], 0) # all trajectories start at x=0 True """ if ( not isinstance(traj_array, np.ndarray) or len(traj_array.shape) != 3 or traj_array.shape[1] != 3 ): raise ValueError( f"traj_array must be a numpy array of shape (N, 3, bout_duration), got shape {traj_array.shape}" ) if idx_ref < 0 or idx_ref >= bout_duration: raise ValueError( f"idx_ref must be between 0 and {bout_duration-1}, got {idx_ref}" ) if traj_array.shape[2] != bout_duration: raise ValueError( f"traj_array must have shape (N, 3, {bout_duration}), got shape {traj_array.shape}" ) traj_array_aligned = np.zeros_like(traj_array) N = traj_array.shape[0] for i in range(N): sub_x, sub_y, sub_head_angle = ( traj_array[i, 0, :], traj_array[i, 1, :], traj_array[i, 2, :], ) Pos = np.zeros((2, bout_duration)) Pos[0, :] = sub_x - sub_x[idx_ref] Pos[1, :] = sub_y - sub_y[idx_ref] theta = -sub_head_angle[idx_ref] head_angle_rotated = sub_head_angle - sub_head_angle[idx_ref] RotMat = np.array( [[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]] ) PosRot =, Pos) sub_x, sub_y, sub_head_angle = ( PosRot[0, :], PosRot[1, :], head_angle_rotated, ) ( traj_array_aligned[i, 0, :], traj_array_aligned[i, 1, :], traj_array_aligned[i, 2, :], ) = sub_x, sub_y, sub_head_angle return traj_array_aligned