import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from ..utils.math_utils import compute_angle_between_vectors
def interpolate_tail_keypoint(tail_x, tail_y, n_segments=10):
"""Interpolate tail keypoints to create a smooth curve.
tail_x : np.ndarray
X-coordinates of tail keypoints, shape (T, n_segments_input)
tail_y : np.ndarray
Y-coordinates of tail keypoints, shape (T, n_segments_input)
n_segments : int, optional
Number of segments in output curve, by default 10
(tail_x_interp, tail_y_interp) : Interpolated coordinates
Each array has shape (T, n_segments+1)
>>> from megabouts.tracking_data import load_example_data
>>> df, fps, mm_per_unit = load_example_data('fulltracking_posture')
>>> tail_x = df.filter(like='tail_x').values
>>> tail_y = df.filter(like='tail_y').values
>>> x_interp, y_interp = interpolate_tail_keypoint(tail_x, tail_y, n_segments=8)
>>> x_interp.shape[1] == 9 # n_segments + 1 points
if n_segments < 2:
raise ValueError("There should be more than 3 keypoints.")
T, n_segments_init = tail_x.shape[0], tail_x.shape[1]
tail_x_interp = np.full((T, n_segments + 1), np.nan)
tail_y_interp = np.full((T, n_segments + 1), np.nan)
for i in range(T):
points = np.array([tail_x[i, :], tail_y[i, :]]).T
is_nan = np.any(np.isnan(points))
if not is_nan:
id_first_nan = points.shape[0]
N_seg = n_segments + 1
id_first_nan = np.where(np.any(np.isnan(points), axis=1))[0][0]
N_seg = int(np.round(id_first_nan / n_segments_init * (n_segments + 1)))
alpha = np.linspace(0, 1, N_seg)
distance = np.cumsum(
np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(points[:id_first_nan, :], axis=0) ** 2, axis=1))
distance = np.insert(distance, 0, 0) / distance[-1]
kind = "cubic" if len(distance) > 3 else "linear"
interpolator = interp1d(
distance, points[:id_first_nan, :], kind=kind, axis=0
curve = interpolator(alpha)
tail_x_interp[i, :N_seg] = curve[:, 0]
tail_y_interp[i, :N_seg] = curve[:, 1]
except IndexError:
# If interpolation fails, keep NaN values for this frame
return tail_x_interp, tail_y_interp
def compute_angles_from_keypoints(head_x, head_y, tail_x, tail_y):
"""Compute tail angles and body orientation from keypoints.
head_x : np.ndarray
X-coordinates of head, shape (T,)
head_y : np.ndarray
Y-coordinates of head, shape (T,)
tail_x : np.ndarray
X-coordinates of tail points, shape (T, N_keypoints)
tail_y : np.ndarray
Y-coordinates of tail points, shape (T, N_keypoints)
tail_angle : np.ndarray or None
Cumulative angles between tail segments, shape (T, N_keypoints-1)
None if only one tail point
head_yaw : np.ndarray
Body orientation angle, shape (T,)
>>> from megabouts.tracking_data import load_example_data
>>> df, fps, mm_per_unit = load_example_data('SLEAP_fulltracking')
>>> head_x = ((df["left_eye.x"] + df["right_eye.x"]) / 2) * mm_per_unit
>>> head_y = ((df["left_eye.y"] + df["right_eye.y"]) / 2) * mm_per_unit
>>> tail_x = df[[f"tail{i}.x" for i in range(5)]].values * mm_per_unit
>>> tail_y = df[[f"tail{i}.y" for i in range(5)]].values * mm_per_unit
>>> angles, yaw = compute_angles_from_keypoints(head_x, head_y, tail_x, tail_y)
>>> angles.shape[1] == tail_x.shape[1] - 1 # one angle between each segment
if len(tail_x.shape) == 1:
tail_x = tail_x[:, np.newaxis]
tail_y = tail_y[:, np.newaxis]
if tail_x.shape[1] != tail_y.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("tail_x and tail_y must have same dimensions")
T, N_keypoints = tail_x.shape[0], tail_x.shape[1]
start_vector = np.vstack((tail_x[:, 0] - head_x, tail_y[:, 0] - head_y)).T
head_yaw = np.arctan2(-start_vector[:, 1], -start_vector[:, 0])
if N_keypoints > 1:
vector_tail_segment = np.stack(
(np.diff(tail_x, axis=1), np.diff(tail_y, axis=1)), axis=2
relative_angle = np.zeros((T, N_keypoints - 1))
relative_angle[:, 0] = compute_angle_between_vectors(
start_vector, vector_tail_segment[:, 0, :]
for i in range(vector_tail_segment.shape[1] - 1):
relative_angle[:, i + 1] = compute_angle_between_vectors(
vector_tail_segment[:, i, :], vector_tail_segment[:, i + 1, :]
tail_angle = np.cumsum(relative_angle, axis=1)
tail_angle = None
return tail_angle, head_yaw
def convert_tail_angle_to_keypoints(
head_x, head_y, head_yaw, tail_angle, body_to_tail_mm=0.5, tail_to_tail_mm=0.32
"""Convert tail angles back to keypoint coordinates.
head_x : np.ndarray
X-coordinates of head, shape (T,)
head_y : np.ndarray
Y-coordinates of head, shape (T,)
head_yaw : np.ndarray
Body orientation angles, shape (T,)
tail_angle : np.ndarray
Tail segment angles, shape (T, N_segments)
body_to_tail_mm : float, optional
Distance from body to first tail point, by default 0.5
tail_to_tail_mm : float, optional
Distance between consecutive tail points, by default 0.32
(tail_x, tail_y) : Tail keypoint coordinates
Each array has shape (T, N_segments+1)
>>> from megabouts.tracking_data import load_example_data
>>> df, fps, mm_per_unit = load_example_data('fulltracking_posture')
>>> head_x = df['head_x'].values * mm_per_unit
>>> head_y = df['head_y'].values * mm_per_unit
>>> head_yaw = df['head_angle'].values
>>> tail_angle = df.filter(like='tail_angle').values
>>> tail_x, tail_y = convert_tail_angle_to_keypoints(head_x, head_y, head_yaw, tail_angle)
>>> tail_x.shape == (len(head_x), tail_angle.shape[1] + 1)
T, num_segments = tail_angle.shape[0], tail_angle.shape[1] + 1
tail_x = np.zeros((T, num_segments))
tail_y = np.zeros((T, num_segments))
for i in range(T):
head_pos = np.array([head_x[i], head_y[i]])
body_vect = np.array([np.cos(head_yaw[i]), np.sin(head_yaw[i])])
swim_bladder = head_pos - body_vect * body_to_tail_mm
tail_x[i, 0], tail_y[i, 0] = swim_bladder
tail_angle_abs = tail_angle[i, :] + (head_yaw[i] + np.pi)
tail_pos = swim_bladder
for j in range(tail_angle.shape[1]):
tail_vect = np.array([np.cos(tail_angle_abs[j]), np.sin(tail_angle_abs[j])])
tail_pos += tail_to_tail_mm * tail_vect
tail_x[i, j + 1] = tail_pos[0]
tail_y[i, j + 1] = tail_pos[1]
return tail_x, tail_y
def interpolate_tail_angle(tail_angle, n_segments=10):
"""Interpolate tail angles to a different number of segments.
tail_angle : np.ndarray
Tail angles, shape (T, N_segments)
n_segments : int, optional
Number of segments in output, by default 10
Interpolated tail angles, shape (T, n_segments)
>>> from megabouts.tracking_data import load_example_data
>>> df, fps, mm_per_unit = load_example_data('fulltracking_posture')
>>> tail_angle = df.filter(like='tail_angle').values
>>> interp_angles = interpolate_tail_angle(tail_angle, n_segments=8)
>>> interp_angles.shape == (len(tail_angle), 8)
T = tail_angle.shape[0]
body_x, body_y, body_angle = np.zeros(T) + 0.5, np.zeros(T), np.zeros(T)
tail_x, tail_y = convert_tail_angle_to_keypoints(
body_x, body_y, body_angle, tail_angle
tail_x_interp, tail_y_interp = interpolate_tail_keypoint(
tail_x, tail_y, n_segments=n_segments
tail_angle_interp, head_yaw = compute_angles_from_keypoints(
body_x, body_y, tail_x_interp, tail_y_interp
return tail_angle_interp